Unsurpassed reliability, accuracy and long-term stability in critical processes. The remote configurable transmitter transfers and monitors converted signals from RTD sensors and thermocouples as well as from resistance and voltage signals using selectively HART®, FOUNDATION Fieldbus™-, PROFIBUS® PA-communication. It visualizes the signals on its own backlit display. A field housing allows a direct connection in harsh process areas as well as in hygienic applications as option.
Universal input usable for resistance thermometer (RTD), thermocouple (TC), resistance thermometer (Ω), voltage transmitters (mV)
HART® protocol for converting various input signals to a scalable 4 to 20 mA analog output signal. Operating the transmitter using handheld terminals Field Xpert SFX350/370, field communicator 475 or remotely via PC
FOUNDATION Fieldbus™ ITK 6.1.2
PROFIBUS® PA Profile 3.02
Optional: stainless steel housing for hygienic or Ex d application
High reliability in harsh industrial environments due to dual compartment housing and compact, fully potted electronics
Backlit display with large measured value, bar graph and status condition indication
Diagnostics information according to NAMUR NE107
International approvals such as FM, CSA (IS, NI, XP and DIP) and ATEX (Ex ia, Ex nA nL, Ex d and dust ignition-proof); marine approval
SIL certification as per IEC 61508:2010
Galvanic isolation 2 kV (sensor input / current output)
Para enfrentar os desafios do monitoramento de temperatura em processos tão críticos, foi desenvolvido um design de poço para termoelemento que responde às mudanças no processo até cinco vezes mais rápido do que as versões padrão.
A temperatura interna dos reatores durante a reação de enxofre deve ser monitorada continuamente e precisamente para evitar paralisações na planta industrial e otimizar o consumo de energia.
Como sensores de temperatura podem detectar o superaquecimento de tubos, levar a uma economia significativa de energia e aumentar a eficiência do processo e a qualidade do produto
UL rec. Comp (HART) FM IS, NI I/1+2/ABCD CSA IS, NI I/1+2/ABCD ATEX II1G Ex ia IIC T6 ATEX II2G Ex d IIC T6, II2D Ex tb IIIC Db ATEX II3G Ex nA IIC T6 Gc ATEX II3G Ex ic IIC T6 Gc ATEX IECEx II2D Ex tb IIIC Db ATEX II1G Ex ia IIC T6, II2D Ex ia IIIC ATEX Ex d, Ex ia FM XP, NI, DIP I,II,III/1+2/A-G CSA XP, NI, DIP I,II,III/1+2/A-G FM XP, DIP, IS, NI I,II,III/1+2/A-G CSA XP, DIP, IS, NI I,II,III/1+2/A-G FM+CSA XP,DIP, IS, NI I,II,III/1+2/A-G CSA General Purpose IECEx Ex ia IIC T6 Ga IECEx Ex ia IIC T6 Ga, Ex ia IIIC Db IECEx Ex d IIC T6 Gb, Ex tb IIIC Db IECEx Ex ia, Ex d NEPSI Ex ia IIC T6 Ga, Ex ia IIIC Db NEPSI Ex nA II T4-T6 NEPSI Ex d IIC T4-T6 marine approval only for HART-protocol SIL2/3 only for HART-protocol EAC Ex ia IIC T6 Ga EAC Ex d IIC T6 Gb UK II3G Ex nA T6 IIC Gc INMETRO Ex db IIC T6 Gb, Ex tb IIIC Db INMETRO Ex ia IIC T6 Ga
Active barrier, 1 channel for 4 to 20 mA, HART® transparent with 24 to 230 V AC/DC as well as active/passive input and output, optionally with SIL and Ex
Active barrier, 1 channel for 4 to 20 mA, HART® transparent with 24 to 230 V AC/DC as well as active/passive input and output, optionally with SIL and Ex
Active barrier, 1 channel for 4 to 20 mA, HART® transparent with 24 to 230 V AC/DC as well as active/passive input and output, optionally with SIL and Ex
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