The FWE200DH dust measuring device is designed to continuously measure dust concentrations in wet gases. The gas is extracted via a gas sampling probe and heated above the dew point. Droplets in the gas vaporize, making it impossible for them to falsify the measurement results. The very sensitive scattered light measurement principle enables accurate measurements even at low dust concentrations. The FWE200DH meets the requirements of EN 14181 and EN 15267.
Monitoring of wet gas scrubbing facilities
Meassurement in very wet exhaust air and in technological processes
Measurement in wet gas downstream of desulfurization plants
Device properties:
For very low to medium dust concentrations
Gas sampling and return combined in one probe
Contamination check
Automatic monitoring of zero and reference point
Integrated system diagnostics for early detection of maintenance requirements
Reliable and proven dust measurement in wet gases
Economic operation due to very few consumable parts and very low installation effort
Very low maintenance since no moving parts come into contact with the aggressive gas
Saiba porque os analisadores Raman são uma ferramenta de medição de composição extremamente eficiente para uma ampla gama de combustíveis usados em turbinas de gás de usinas de energia atualmente.
PVDF gas removal probe: ≤ +120 °C Hastelloy gas removal probe: ≤ +220 °C Versions for higher temperatures on request
Process pressure
With SLV7 2BH1100 purge air unit: –20 hPa ... 20 hPa Other pressure ranges on request
Ambient temperature range
–20 °C ... +50 °C Intake temperatures for purge air: –20 °C ... +45 °C
Process gas humidity
Max. 40 g/m³ liquid water without water vapour
Degree of protection
Measuring and control unit: IP54 Electronics enclosure: IP65
Approved for plants requiring approval 2001/80/EC (13. BImSchV) 2000/76/EC (17. BImSchV) 27. BImSchV TA-Luft (Prevention of Air Pollution) EN 15267 EN 14181 U.S. EPA PS-11 compliant When options are used, agreement with local authorities may be required
Emission Monitoring Solutions – broad instrument portfolio and
longstanding experience
Folheto de Competência (CP)
Versão em inglês - 01/2025
New version available in English
An overview brochure about emission monitoring, their measuring principles and technologies, global requirements and services, a selection guide and the measuring devices at a glance
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